Saturday, November 10, 2012


Written By: Gary Kirkland

FEMA posted no doesn't mean no. Is FEMA ran by rapist or supporting rape to Female Victims of Hurricane Sandy? Is it safe for Females to go to FEMA for help? Or will they help themselves? If you know anyone in NYC please get them out before FEMA makes them victims

The Truth about Hurricane Sandy

Written By: Gary Kirkland Hurricane Sandy was created by Barack Hussein Obama. The Federal Government has been controlling the weather for years. They created Sandy from a model they used during the Clinton Administration so, they could implement their November Surprise. No the surprise wasn't Hurricane Sandy! The Surprise was turning Chris Christie to being an Obamanite. Then, Barack Hussein Obama would bring in his FEMA Gestapo in and deny help to American citizens and create a mass genocide of the American people. I have been in touch with citizens in Rochester, NY and they have received letters yes I said letters. That said they didn't meet the qualifications for Relief. So, American citizens old and young are freezing and starving to death inundating the churches and homeless shelters. This is all being aided by NYC Mayor Bloomberg. People this is the start under the Genocide of our Fuhrer Barack Hussein Obama. He will eventually create a mass genocide unless we impeach him and his cronies. Please pray for our victims Lowest Pirce Guarantee for Cell phone Accessories

Friday, November 9, 2012

Proof the Election was Fixed

Written By: Gary Kirkland MX iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store Since Ed Brantley & Bob Thomas from WNOX in Knoxville, TN Claim there was no proof of the election being rigged. Well Hells Bells here's the Proof. oBaz This picture was taken from an ABC Channel in Arizona. It shows the Election being close. The issue is it was Shown in Early October. How can this be? It is simple the Election Machines are rigged! We need to stop this Travesty of Justice. $10 Bonus on $20 Signup

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Teacher married to a Soldier, she teaches school and still freeloads off her Parents Insurance

Written By: Gary Kirkland Stop Paying Retail and Save Up To 99% Off Everything on The Gary Kirkland Show has had brought to our Attention the fact there is a Knox County School Teacher that is using her parents insurance. I wouldn't have an issue with that if it was for 2 reasons. Reason # 1: She is married to a member of our Armed Forces and she's eligible for the insurance by the Military. Reason # 2: She has good insurance with Knox County Schools this I know. Bidz, Inc. This is a self admitted Barack Hussein Obama Voter. She admitted that the only reason she voted for Barack Hussein Obama is because she could keep her parents Healthcare! We find this to be an Abuse of the System! Once you turn 18 you can serve in the Military. So, why after rearing her for 18 years should her parents after college have to foot her Medical bill? What ever happened to personal Responsibility? This is teaching kids not to be Responsible! This is how Barack Hussein Voters are and this is one of the reasons he got re-elected. I guarantee you that if you poll these people these are the Reasons that Barack Hussein Obama got re-elected. Freeloaders that want to live off their parents after they get married, his race because, people perceive him as to being black even though he is actuality is bi-racial! That means his mommy was White and his daddy is black. Oh no say its not true and now we are going to the Unions. They are the biggest waste of space there ever was. free shipping over $30 300x250

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Voter wishes Republicans would die

Written By: Gary Kirkland Get The Carol Burnett Show: The Ultimate Collection! 50 hand-picked episodes by Carol for only 5 easy payments of $39.99 (Price: $199.95) + FREE Shipping at! - 468x60 I was on Twitter after the election was called and came across this racist. Black Friday Penny Auction Shopping Deals on 'WadeeKikiCheaa ♥'  (@BackDimpless) tweeted at 11:18 PM on Tue, Nov 06, 2012: America went black & we ain't going back niggas #TeamOBAMA ( 'WadeeKikiCheaa ♥'  (@BackDimpless) tweeted at 11:21 PM on Tue, Nov 06, 2012: Obama won , we keeping our food stamps , our weave , our birth control ayee my president's is black nigga ♥ !!!!!!! ( 'WadeeKikiCheaa ♥'  (@BackDimpless) tweeted at 11:33 PM on Tue, Nov 06, 2012: @WilllBrownn You mom is an idiot for giving birthday to you Republican ass bitch stay out my mention !! ( MX iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store 'WadeeKikiCheaa ♥'  (@BackDimpless) tweeted at 11:57 PM on Tue, Nov 06, 2012: Obama should make all the Republican white people slaves for democratic black people #JustSaying ( MX iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store She makes black Americans look dumb and proves why I call Liberals Libtards